New vegas fast travel mod
New vegas fast travel mod

He sees this latest conquest as the final step towards his ultimate goal - returning to the NCR and overthrowing its stagnant democracy, in favor of a totalitarian dictatorship under his rule. With the majority of Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado under his heel, Caesar now sets his sights on New Vegas, gathering his forces on the eastern bank of the Colorado River in preparation for a massive assault. While the inhabitants of the region generally considered Caesar and his Legion a welcome relief from the anarchy that once plagued them, stories of the horrors he vested upon those who resisted spread like wildfire.

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Worshipped by his followers as a living god, Sallow - now calling himself "Caesar" - modelled his army after the legions of The Roman Empire, using his education in history and military tactics to conquer his way across Arizona and New Mexico. Within a year, reports began reaching the NCR that Sallow had not only led the tribe to victory in a war against its neighbors, but had reorganized them and their conquered enemies into an army of slave-driving fanatics.

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In 2246, a scholar from the NCR, Edward Sallow, was sent by his peers to study the language of the the Blackfoot tribe in Arizona.

New vegas fast travel mod